Monday, July 20, 2009


How many times do you utter this phrase "5 minutes" in a day? For me, the day starts with "5 minutes". Getting up early in the morning is such a pain and I guess most of you will concur with me in this. Everyday when the clock strikes 5, my mom starts her herculean task of waking me up and here starts the phrase "5 minutes" in my life. Truly speaking, off all those 6 hours sleep every night I really enjoy only those last 5 minutes of sleep. Now, this concept of 5 minutes has become so inclined to my life that for every task or every work I was asked to do I started asking for 5 minutes more time to get into the task (not my office work of course, else I would have been chucked out within a week I joined ;) ). Even for having food, I ask myself (or whoever serves me food) for 5 minutes to start eating unless and until I am really really hungry.

This "5 minutes" has become more so a part of my life with my mom's arrival to my place. According to a third person's perspective this attitude symbolizes laziness but according to me it is anything but laziness. I would probably call this as the "5 minutes of LIFE". There is always fun in being lazy, not getting things done at time, but not at the cost of something. The funniest of all is when my friend asked me where on earth is your next blog post and I asked her for 5" minutes" to complete it and post it :P

So folks, enjoy your lives and make merry of every "5 minutes" of your lives ;)


AS... said...

very true..
1) ur 5 mins story ;)
2) the '5 mins' once gone..will not come back :(

do you know some people can catch a flight in that 5 mins? :P

Balaji said...

Yes, I very well know those people who catch flight in that 5 mins ;)